Save the meat of the process:

Eid means joy. Not funny at all levels to accelerate the pair happily arrange meals. Do not leave anything to be no shortage of guests feast their time apyayanasaha. Eid Eid-khasira meat cows plethora of foods are listed. Relatives, neighbors and many meat remains after distribution to the poor. And if the meat is not the right way to save is likely to lose it very quickly. So the correct way to know the method of preserving meat needs to stay too. Prepare today for the benefit of you, some simple methods to preserve meat properly.

Store refrigerated:

Keep refrigerated meat from a simple method of saving itself. But keep in refrigerator to preserve the meat is to comply with certain rules. Example

* Before storing the meat in the refrigerator should be cleaned properly. Eid in the morning or in the refrigerator before it closed and the fish inside the refrigerator, take out the meat. Is a bad smell in the refrigerator to keep them. If the meat is not so clear, nor the smell of refrigerator ahead of Eid is likely to become.

Washed with water to keep the meat refrigerated before * Be sure to clean the blood. Drain all water leaving the fan down to the meat by big calanite instead of meat. When the water falls, keep refrigerated meat can be filled with polythene sachets.

If you do not want to wash clean dry cloth * with meat on meat cling to the blood by removing any definition. Can be kept refrigerated in the polythene.

* Do not use polythene for storing refrigerated meat and little fat is thought to be better cleaned. Tear meat from the refrigerator while you make the packet.

 Packets to a shifting occasionally to keep refrigerated. It goes with one packet can take.

* Wrap the meat in the refrigerator while packets between two pieces of thick paper or thin wood can give, it seals the meat packets to aparata with other creams do not have to worry.

* Keep refrigerated meat, reduce the temperature of the refrigerator. Then the meat will be tough quickly.

Save with firewood:

To save the meat with firewood like to stay a little more meat in fat. Because the meat is good for a long time.

Take a pot of meat and a good wash first. The amount of water mixed with turmeric and salt meat firewood. This will give the meat at least two times the rules of firewood.

Save to dry in the sun:

In addition to meat with firewood stored refrigerated and can be stored dried meat. Dried meat called. This is like a long time if it means saving the meat.

* Take small pieces of meat, washed clean in the first place. Better to stay fat. Take up the meat after a fine wire.

* Within the meat drying clothes in the balcony on the roof or on the day of taniye. The heat of the fire, the meat drying oven are also tied. The way to preserve the meat into the meat at all the water dries up, the result is like that for a long time.

* If the roof to dry meat, cover the meat with a thin cloth or net. It will not be messy dhulobali the meat.

* 5-6 days after the flesh in the sun. When the meat is dry and very tough to face off containers or tin filled with meat bhalomato kautaya Keep mouth shut. Day in the sun over the casket meat occasionally. Insect will not attack you.

* Sun dried meat before cooking the meat soak in warm water for at least 1 hour of light, the meat will be soft.

If you want to sell the meat of Eid Sell Your Frozen Meet 

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